
By Houseonahill6

Figgate park,Edinburgh

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We had a tasty breakfast in the hotel and then got ready to go out.
A really hot, sunny morning.We hopped on the tram and got off near to Princes Street.There was a Little Market so we had a look round there . I chatted to a lady who now lives in India, returning to Scotland for a month each Summer.She works with a group of ladies making necklaces and bracelets .I bought a charm bracelet with beads that reminded me of strawberries.
We found the bus stop we needed , in the end!, which took us near to Figgate Park.A wander straight down the road , admiring the houses and gardens on the way , to the park entrance.
A wonderful few hours walking round and just sitting in the sunshine watching everything that was going on.
This wildflower area looked fantastic with plenty of bees and other insects buzzing around.
We had hoped to spot the otter but no sightings. We did see the swans and their cygnets, a reed bunting,heron,moorhen,mallards and a variety of other birds.
We had a drink in the cafe across the road, just us there and then decided to catch the bus straight back to the city as the skies were beginning to darken.A visit to Portabello will have to be another time.
There was a nice restaurant where we got off the bus but it did not start serving food until 5.30pm so we’ll add that to our ‘next time’ list.
Had a quick look at Old Calton Cemetery and then it started raining so a quick dash down the hill to the Slug and Lettuce where we had dinner.
It was pouring when we came out so waited for it to ease before dashing across the road to a hotel for a drink and watch some of the tennis.
Next stop was across the road again to watch The Bodyguard at the Theatre.A good show although the acting of the ‘Bodyguard’ was not particularly good.He was an actor from Hollyoaks !
Tram back to the hotel and all the travel was just £4 each and that includes the bus too, bargain !

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