Visitors and the park

We had visitors for lunch today - a very old friend who I grew up with. She's been living in  New Zealand and moved to the US about a year ago.  Delightful to catch up with her and grateful to have had some of her precious time whilst visiting the UK.

She also has two boys, similar age to mine (touch older). They all got on very well, the off spat, as you would expect. As it was such a hot day, they got the hose out and were cooling down by spraying each other - this was fine until the hose was directed straight into the house (and all over the sofa - thankfully, I got a second hand one that I'm not at all worried about, exactly for this kind of reason!) 

After lunch we all went to a local park which was completely deserted so they all had a bit of a run-around to burn off more energy... object of every single - burn off energy....  

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