Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Three Bridges

Not too hot today - just nice. Not hot enough to stay inside and hide from the heat, so we decided to go for a jaunt. Trouble is, Archie gets car sick (still - after five years), so we can’t go too far, and we can’t leave him at home.

South Queensferry was the chosen destination. And he just about made it without being sick. I got out of the car as we arrived, and JR drove on to try to find a park. It was just in time - Archie wasn’t sick!!

No parks, so we drove right along to Port Edgar. They've really done a lot to smarten the area up, with a huge car park now. Though I loved the old rusty sheds that used to be there. Now it's all swanky, with a posh new restaurant right down on the waterfront. It had a lovely balcony looking out on the harbour and bridges. BUT there was a speaker blasting out pop muzak!! Why? We left.

I drove back along to the pier and found a park, while JR and Archie walked all the way back. It wasn’t too hot - just warm. The clouds made it bearable.

We had a huge ice cream at the bridge and I was impressed at the price - much cheaper (and much bigger) than the one we'd had in George Square Gardens the other day.

Back home and no sickness (Archie) but he got out and had a walk over the Links before reaching home. I like weather you can still get out and about in. Rain tomorrow...

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