These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Unchartered Territory

Today... Where do I start? Today, I had a photo shoot on campus, with the Admissions Team. Doing actual photo shoots is a little bit foreign to me so I was a little nervous about it. Not to mention that with Hannah being sick, Kelly wasn't able to come babysit. So, I headed to the photo shoot with kids in tow. Luckily, Josh works in Admissions and he was able to handle the kids most of the time. It was a little tricky, but they did good. The crazy part about the shoot was that the office was able to secure some studio space to shoot the photos. This was completely unchartered territory for me. I have shot a couple of weddings, but had a complete photojournalist approach and I have zero experience setting up/using lights, posing people, etc. Luckily, it went fine and I actually had a blast watching all the lights fire everytime I snapped a shot. Definitely need to do some research and get in there and practice though!

This picture was one I caught of Josh goofing off. It's really not to hard to catch a picture of him being silly. It's seems that is what he was born to do.

I also got a cute picture of Tyler. In the middle of the shoot, he marched out like he was the next in line. It was so cute. It was the biggest smile too! Almost bigger than when I pull out the toot talk to elicit a nice big grin.

The rest of the day was a bit of a bummer. All I wanted to do was rest, all the kids wanted to do was play and it was a bad combination. I got a little rest while watching Barney and eating popcorn and chocolate chips and managed to talk Tyler into a game of Bingo sitting down in the playroom. Other than that, it was early to bed for them and probably early to bed for me!

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