twinned with trumpton


A Norwegian Wood moment

I spent an hour grappling with our IT from the comfort of my kitchen before the rain properly started and I head to go out and meet J Dawg for a morning of quite frankly liars and fraudsters.

Lochend was quiet (but wet), Easter Road was dead (but soggy), Craigentinny was deserted (but damp)

Our Oscar winning gentleman of a couple of weeks ago was laughable in his defence. But it was at least inside for an hour and I got dried out.

And then as things brightened on the weather front, we discussed voodoo in a soulless office in Newbridge. 

The afternoon was a sprint around NW Embra and home; for a late lunch and try and write tactful reports in case anyone ever wants to  do an FOI and not directly call people bare faced liars; that's for blip.

I arranged to meet Baz at Porty whilst she grappled with her lass' ever shifting moods and plans. I think I got the better deal.

Home at 8; and a restful evening of not doing very much bar eat, sleep, dishes and paint.

Dreich kinda wildlife shot

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