
A few weeks before her birthday, the Minx sent me a link to a potting shed come bar* that she thought we could buy for the garden at some point. This was not particularly noteworthy; the garden is her main preoccupation at the moment and has been for some time. However, as her birthday approached, it occurred to me that this was something I could give her as a present.

So, I dug out the link, took a look at the finished product, casually brought it up in conversation to ensure the enthusiasm was still there, and then I bought it. At no point, it must be said, did I look at the item in any great detail. 

It was only once I had told the Minx about it that we realised that this shed did not arrive flat packed, which is what I guess I'd assumed, but in fact just as a load of wood along with some instructions. Initially daunted, the Minx rallied and asked around to see if anyone had the required hardware, which, happily, her friend Vic did. Indeed, Vic seemed keen to be involved!

And so, today, Vic arrived with the saw that you can see in the photo, which was set up in the workshop that the Minx had jury-rigged on the decking. I was invited to take part but - discretion being the better part of valour and also worrying about losing a finger - I opted for doing a few chores and cooking a slap-up meal for dinner. 

*I'm not sure I really understand this, tbh.

-10.4 kgs
Reading: 'The Gallows Pole' by Benjamin Myers

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