Looking back

A special day as not only we will be seeing in a new year later but it's our anniversary! Matt and I have been together for six years and it has been brilliant. Unfortunately Matt had to work today but we did go for a romantic walk through the City when he finished.

Looking back on the 2012 and it's been pretty amazing. Taking part in the Olympic Opening and Closing Ceremonies were a once in a lifetime experience which I loved every minute of. I made some wonderful new friends, felt a huge sense of pride and part of something truly British.

I've been lucky to go on some great holidays to Canada, Marrakesh, Centre Parcs, camping on the Suffolk coast and Dubai. I've also been all over the UK with work. I've been to some great weddings including one of my best friends (Julia and Pete's) which was fantastic. We have hosted some great house parties and I've taken part in some brilliant volunteering opportunities. I've also laughed until crying at the pub with true friends.

There have also been some down times. My uncle Brian passed away earlier this year which has been devastating for my aunt, cousins and the rest of the family. I've had friends who have been battling with cancer and my own down points with work. However, all of these things throughout the year, good and bad, have shown me how precious life is and that we need to embrace it with both hands. I've mentioned it a few times in my blips, but it has given me a renewed confidence to follow what makes me happy, trust my instincts and take control of what I want. This led me to quit my job as I wasn't enjoying it and was then lucky to find an exciting opportunity straight away. I'm still working through some other family issues but I hope to try and resolve them this year. Blipping has become a chance to reflect, look back and appreciate.

All in all I'm very lucky to have Matt in my life and an amazing supportive family. I like the new me and my new outlook on life. I want to put more in and take more out and enjoy it. 2012... you've been a revelation now bring on 2013!

Happy New Year Blippers x

Leadenhall Market, London

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