Happy Anniversary

Matt and I are celebrating being together for seven years today and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone.

2013 has been a good year looking back. I started my new job in January as an interim and then was offered the permanent post in November after an awful lot of hard work.

We were lucky to attend the brilliant wedding celebrations of our friends James and Becky and Matt and Kirsty. I also got to spend a fantastic weekend with my best friend Amy in Warwick.

We fitted in three holidays which included visiting Boston, New York, Washington DC, Zurich, Lucern, Geneva and a few much needed days at Ragdale Hall. We also explored lots of London and made the most of some brilliant events.

Reading back on some of my blips I've realised I've been far to wrapped up in work this year and I want to change that. I've got plans for things I want to achieve and lots of places Matt and I want to see so I hope to get some things ticked off my list.

Matt and I have spent the evening seeing in the New Year with my family at a party in our village hall. Its fair to say the age group was slightly older than we had expected was it was a fun night with a live band.

Happy New Year to all my friends, family and fellow blippers. I wish you all health and happiness for the year ahead! xx

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