On Leith Walk

The late summer of 2000 was not such an easy time for me. I was going through my first divorce and I wasn't seeing my daughters anywhere near as much I wanted to, not least because I'd just finished a six month contract in Glasgow and was about to start another one in Edinburgh. 

Little did I know, though, that in some respects at least, things were about to get a whole lot better. My new role was at the Royal Bank of Scotland and it would turn out to be one of the best and most enjoyable contracts I'd ever have, and that was in no small part down to the guy I was working for.

Cameron was an ex-policeman turned Test Manager and he had overall responsibility for testing RBSG's new 'thin client' for Internet Banking. My job was to manage the system testing. We got along pretty cautiously at first but over a period of months we became firm friends and a couple of times a month we'd go out for a beer. (I remember that we'd usually meet at Bennets Bar. Cameron seemed convinced that my accent would get me into trouble and tell me to wait for him outside. I don't think I ever did.) 

I've caught up with him intermittently over the years and I had another opportunity today as the Minx and I are in Edinburgh with Abi and the miniMinx for a couple of days at the Fringe. Cameron and I met for a coffee Casa Amiga on Leith Walk, this afternoon.

It's funny; I can always remember, of course, that we were good friends but it was so lovely to actually spend a couple of hours with him, sat outside in the sunshine, and to renew and enjoy that friendship. 

-10.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Gallows Pole' by Benjamin Myers

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