The rest of forever...

By DrMac


After a night of sleep a little disturbed by the local dogs barking, it was nice to wake in a comfy bed and under a huge duvet! Breakfast followed, then we walked to Thamel to pick up this jumper. It's a Rab jumper I own and yesterday afternoon we took it in to a guy who embroidered this motif on the back as memory of our trip. He also designed a great logo on the front and put the date and height that we climbed to - it looks fab! All for about £3.50!

We had apple pie and coffee in Himalaya Java and then mooched in Thamel - walked passed Fire and Ice, Mr Ashley, and the bargain camera kit too! A little lunch of chicken and salad satiated my rumbling tummy and then we walked home - about an hour or so of walking each way. It seems so easy now! We picked up some veg and eggs for dinner and then I did my training session in the front room. Now is time to try and backblip before dinner and hopefully FaceTime with my parents.

PS - all the backblipping has now been done!

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven - The Summit of Kala Pattar
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve

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