The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Trek Take Two & Old Friends

Paul was really keen to take Q on one of his old running routes so today was planned as a trekking day. Waking at 7am again, I dived straight into the hot shower and made the most of it. As we have shared shower facilities with god knows how many people, getting a hot one is a stroke of good luck…or the ‘early bird’ syndrome! Anyway, mine was a good start to the day!

We walked to Himalayan java for breakfast and it was well worth it…I had boiled eggs with chicken sausage and potato wedges. Washed down with fresh back coffee it was the best of starts for the walk ahead. We took a taxi back to Paul’s old school to meet Shrada, his old colleague, and then took a second taxi to Pharping. We eventually arrived there just before 11am…such a long, bumpy and awkward journey. But it was the start of our walk!

In true Paul style, the walk went upwards for the first two hours! The views at the top were stunning, taking in not only the local Buddhist temples but also amazing views of the mountains and Kathmandu Valley. We had a bite to eat at about 1.45pm, P and I munching tuna from the tin whilst Q enjoyed cheese croissants. The sun was very hot and the temporary lunchtime shade was a welcome break. We continued to walk until 4pm, when we arrived back down from the heights of the valley rim and into Dhobigat. The taxi driver brought us quickly back to Thamel where we showered speedily, I bought Q some Pepsi and Pringles and then Paul and I whizzed back to Himalayan Java to meet two of his old colleagues for coffee. These are the two lovely ladies in the photo with Paul. He will hate me for posting this picture; he doesn’t normally look like this! After a long catch up, we said our goodbyes and then walked back to collect Q from the Guest House. Time for the final meal!

We hoped to go back to the Yak but when we arrived it was closed! So, back to Northfield Bar, an old favourite, for too many lovely things. Our last treat before we return to the UK and to healthy lifestyles! Beer washed down chicken tikka, papad, cheese balls, tempura veg and all sorts of delights. Lovely!

Not long later, after a lengthy book shop viewing session, we were back in the Guest House…by 8.10pm! I’ve written my journal and now its time to sleep…before tomorrow’s activities of packing, sight seeing and departing. The time has flown. Do we really have to go home?

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