After mass my walking friend joined us for a coffee and off we went for a walk in the drizzle! We still had fun !

Getting home, to my surprise, I found Ro attacking the roots of a bush we are trying to remove to give more room to our Buddleia! We dug and tugged and pushed and most of it and it’s main roots are gone. Still one root left. The roots are a bright yellow! I was most surprised! This Bush has huge long spikes that could even pierce a tyre I should think and I’ve been trying to get round to removing it for some time!

A quick lunch and nap! Then the girls came round while Mum and Dad packed! We tried bubbles in the garden but it was so cold. Then indoors and Ro did a floor puzzle with them. We read and ate yogurts and watermelon! Now we are listening to a recording of the proms the one with music from the Warner brothers! Last night I listened to The Dvorak one! Magnificent!

Monday tomorrow: have a good week folks! Xx

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