The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Show

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was about to have a moan about managers and crap planning but then I remembered that:

1. it’s already my weekend so it doesn’t matter
2. it’s dull.

Kitty Cat and I went for a couple of drinks tonight. Summerhall is used for festival shows so it was really busy and it had that happy festival buzz which I love. I bumped into a mum I vaguely know who told me about a show she had seen, and asked if I was going to see something. “No,” I responded, like the cultured gal I am, “Just here for the booze.”

Kitty Cat turned 50 a few months ago and to be honest, I feel that the NHS is quite insensitive. No sooner have you blown out your candles when you get a poo testing kit and a letter with a mammogram appointment. Having your boobs and bum checked out means something very different when you are post 50!


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