The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

On Fire

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

After a very long blether with you today LTJ, the most exciting thing I did was making a curry.

We have quite a lot of colleagues from India who bring in home-made curries for lunch and they always smell and taste amazing. I have been getting cooking tips but still haven’t managed to make them taste anywhere near as nice. Divya diagnosed the spices as the problem According to her, it’s because the spices we get in the supermarket are “nothing better than coloured powder” and you get the good ones from the Indian supermarket. Sree agreed and the following day, gave me a bag of new spices and an idiots guide to a basic chicken curry.

He wasn’t particularly clear on quantities so I had to guess. Turns out that there’s a lot of truth in the difference in the strength of the spice flavours.

And the chilli powders!

It was really tasty but may have been a tad in the hot side. The giveaway was that poor Eldest Mini Princess had to have milk after each mouthful and I’m pretty sure I broke into a sweat.*

It’s a work in progress.


*although the Prince loved it. He wants the leftovers tomorrow!

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