just because...

...a gift card

what... i thought, what's this?

upon going to my mailbox - there was an envelope inside from one of my brothers - i knew it was most likely a christmas card... however it was rather thick - hefty - i wondered what was enclosed... a note 1st - not wordy, because like most of my brothers - he is stoic - to the point, does not mince his words or go on and on (very unlike me) - at times it is like pulling teeth to get him to talk... (this is not to be negative regarding him - only to have you understand)... for him to include an actual note inside the card is almost akin to monumental - boo! along with the rest - he says, "here's a little something for you to enjoy..." no reason given why - no explanation or cause... just because!

now i haven't done anything special - nothing out of the ordinary - no super human feat or any such something... in fact, i hadn't even spoken to said brother in a while - outside of some brief email communications - so this is like an out-of-the-blue sort of surprise from him... further - out of all 4 of my brothers, he's probably the one i'd say i have the most strained relationship with - in a large family, sometimes you tend to pair off - or get along better with some siblings than with others - needless to say, i love all my brothers - but when you have 4 of them people, boo! it can be a tad overwhelming - particularly when you're the youngest - and a girl at that... for whatever reason then, ranking - age - ability to communicate - this bro and i just never quite jelled - but! i'd give my right arm for him - or my eye - or kidney - or my whole life... i'd fly around the world and back for either of his kids or wife as well - not just because it's what you do - but because i love him... to the depths of my soul - that will never change - regardless of how much or little we interact...

he obviously knows and recognizes this, too - without saying it out loud, also knows i have struggled in life this past year, perhaps - wants to try and help make things better for me - with a bit of a surprise... " a little something..." in a christmas card - in the form of a gift card - now doesn't that simply make it...


happy day.....

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