Zero waste products

I became a vegetarian in April 1988 and that lasted for just over eighteen and a half years. From time to time since then it's crossed my mind to go back to it and finally a few weeks ago I decided I'd return to being largely vegetarian but that I wasn't actually going to give up meat. Since then, I've had a couple of chillis with Dan and that's been pretty much it (with maybe a couple of meals at BlueDot: I can't remember). 

I've actually found it easier to nearly give up than to give up completely and, actually, I'm OK with that. My meat intake has gone down comfortably by 90%. Similarly, we've made a really good effort to reduce our use of plastic without giving ourselves the unrealistic goal of not using any. 

I think this is the way forward; just encourage people to reduce environmentally damaging activities rather than demanding goals they'll never achieve (or sign up to in the first place!).

Anyway, as part of the plastic reduction, I've switched to these tins of deodorant. Abi says they're "too sketchy" and the Minx didn't get on with them but I like them. They're a little more work to apply but I'm getting to the point now where I prefer them.

-11.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Gallows Pole' by Benjamin Myers

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