Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Pub visit

On Thursdays JR takes it easy and doesn’t leap out of bed and go to the gym. She goes slightly later. Then she took Archie for a big walk up to Midmar Paddock.

I did my half hour on the bike, had my shower, and wandered over to the cafe for a coffee. Using my card, it doesn’t even feel like money. S'great - I don’t even mind paying extra for soya milk.

We then got the bus down to a certain bar in town that was giving away a free bottle of wine. Rufus and his mum came too, and we met Elizabeth there after her work. Archie was delighted! Christine had the same offer, so we had two bottles of wine! Well, there were four of us.

It was Very Busy. And Very Noisy, but no muzak, thank goodness. Everybody was shouting. But I think that's what people put up with in pubs most nights. I'm not used to such racket and not being able to hear the person across the table.

I'm just watching a fascinating programme about octopuses - and it's not often you can write that sentence.

An exciting outing planned for tomorrow...

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