Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A gang of schnauzers invade Porty Beach!

Left to right: Murdo, Mabel, Murphy, Pretzel, Archie.

Yes, we met up with Murdo and his mum and dad (and his real mum and dad) at Porty. We borrowed Pretzel too. And we met two schnauzers when we were on the beach. Very common popular doggies!

Archie hadn’t met Murdo before - as he's not keen on puppies we've been putting it off. Murdo is no longer a puppy, but is a big, handsome (in his new haircut) strapping lad. There was no doubt who was the boss in the group. Pretzel had a great time, rushing around with all the big dogs.

Archie was the only one to go for a paddle in the sea, but he really went to get a drink - after five and a half years, he still hasn’t learned!

Funnily enough, Murdo isn’t fussed about treats! Even the liver muffins that ALL dogs go crazy about, didn’t tempt him. Which makes it a bit of a challenge for training, I would think. (Though he was perfectly well behaved, I hasten to add).

We had a dander along the beach once we got the obligatory group shot, and they caused a mild sensation, everyone commenting on seeing so many at once. We then had a coffee at the wee caravan, while the dogs practised their macramé by tying the five leads into a complicated knot.

A grand day out. And it was warm at the beach - the weather app was correct for once.

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