The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Growing Up Giggles

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We took The Mini Princesses to see Jason Byrne tonight. It was the first time that the Youngest Mini Princess had been old enough to see a grown-up comedy show. And by ‘grown-up’, I obviously mean rude, sweary and very childish.

And he was, but also hilarious in a very tongue-in-cheek way so it wasn’t uncomfortable for the EMPs. We sat up in the balcony to ensure that there was zero chance that he would notice us as I fear that being ‘chosen’ from the audience would scar The Mini Princess (and their mother) for life. A guy in the audience had a dislocated shoulder and explained that it had been caused by a fall. His gleeful wife happily added the detail that he had fallen whilst running away from a wasp in the garden. There was quite a lot of p1ss-taking for that.

I am happy to report that YMP loved it. I’m glad the Mini Princesses want to go to shows with us. It gives me someone to talk to in the queue while The Prince goes to the bar.


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