The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

First Born

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini and her chums were talking about their younger sisters. Steve, a friend of The Eldest Mini Princess was telling her that his sister, Daisy is on day 4 of not speaking to him due to ‘teagate’. Daisy had been making tea for the whole family and Steve asked if he could have one.

Daisy: No

Steve: Go on, you’re making one for everyone else.

Daisy: No

Steve: Don’t be a little pain* Daisy.

Daisy: No

Steve and Daisy’s dad tried to persuade her too but she just wasn’t having it. So, as she was giving everyone else their tea, Steve poured her cup down the sink and make himself one. “You can’t show weakness,” Steve explained.

EMP was aghast but Terry agreed and chipped in to explain that his little sister Amy had refused to put her dish in the dishwasher when they were clearing up. She was less than pleased later that evening to find it in her bed.

I remember as an evil older sibling, a friend and I pinning my poor 10 year old brother down and putting make up on him as my mum was calling him downstairs. I thought it was HILARIOUS. Him, not so much.

YMP has definitely escaped lightly with EMP.


*pain may not have been the word he used but as this is a family show...

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