Mud Club Cure

Crappy drive to Glasgow for the Cure gig, hitting every hold up so Dave missed Mogwai but we got there eventually and after a quick transfer over to the mudfest that was Bellahouston Park, it turned out to be a great gig. The mud was up to our ankles and we came across a few abandoned shoes, man oh man walking barefoot or in squelchy socks in that would have been minging!. Our Mobile phones signals weren't working so we didn't catch our fellow North East gig goers but we were rescued by Wendy and Aimee as we left and the four of us nattered and laughed and walked for over an hour into the city centre. We trailed so much mud into the hotel but we weren't the only ones, goths everywhere. Impressed with the Galloway Clan's stamina going back for the Foos the day after..with wellies.

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