Sullom Forest

Cloudy first thing, and then cleared turning sunny and warm.  Headed north and it was a cloudy afternoon.  A beautiful sunny evening in Scalloway, and a calm clear night.  The nights are fairly drawing in now.  Sunset about 8.30pm, losing light after 9pm, and dark by 10pm! 

A day off work, and a busy morning around the house and garden.  Me and Sammy headed out for a run in the car this afternoon, and a good walk too.  Headed for my early shift in the pub after tea.  It's been a busy shift, with plenty of folk about with the lovely evening.  Finished at 9pm, and enjoyed a good walk about Scalloway.  Feet up and telly on now.

I headed to a happy place this afternoon, Sullom.  Had a walk about granny and grandad's old croft, down the burn I used to play in, along the beach and to the Punds, and yarned with some folk on my way back to the car.  The first stop was at the forest.  I played here a lot as a bairn, but so many changes.  The trees used to be extremely dense, and the forest floor had no grass or ferns growing, only pine needles.  The trees were planted in the 1950s, and were some height when I was young.  Over the last few years, the trees have taken a serious battering, with many snapped or knocked over.  I took some sycamore trees with me, and planted them in some bare patches.  There has various new trees planted over the years also.  Taken in the Sullom Forest.  

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