morning moon...

...glowing in the sky

i was pleasantly surprised - as i glanced up and saw the moon still standing there - suspended in the morning sky - pretty clear - an opportunity waiting...

should i - do i dare - i'm not very good - others have better fortune at it turning out - oh bother, already...

as you can see - i took the plunge - decided it was worth experimenting - taking a chance - if i don't do these things, i will never learn... i've always wanted to get a shot of the morning moon - i think it's so pretty - has kind of a quiet elegance - a white dignity to it... as the night has already ended - the day begun...

yet i've tended to shy away from it - as though i have no right - because others have taken the shot and are so much better - get the settings right - or focus more precise - the detail spot on - blah... blah... blah... i almost make my own self sick hearing that - because i need to just jump in and do it - who's going to make fun of my photo? no one has to look at it - no one needs to make a comment about it - but i've allowed the fear of those things get in the way of me exploring an opportunity which has presented itself on several occassions to me... i thought not today - today i need to be a "just do it" woman - snap the shot and post it - regardless of whether it's my best picture or not - the point of todays blip for me - is to march on - move forward with getting over a fear of what others might think - or do - or say in response to my photo...

so i edited - i feel good... in spending the last big bit of time staring at it - i finally got my courage on to post - now it's done - it will be okay - because next time it'll be easier - and it's led to...


happy day.....

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