Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The protest continues

I was there. Along with TSM and a few thousand others.

Made a very large placard (see extras). Difficult to control in high winds. Good metaphor for Britain today ... the demo itself got very hot in the middle of the day sunshine. We wove our way through the crowd, bumped into a colleague from work, by some miracle got to the front of the masses. They had put up extra barriers to keep the people away from the gates of Downing Street, another good metaphor for Johnson’s relationship with his electorate. A few nasty looking thugs draped in union jacks were moved elsewhere to stop them causing trouble. The police were, again, professional, discrete and amiable if engaged.

We met old friends - last seen a year ago at my 60th birthday party - and went for a quick pint which turned into two, then three, then four ... I haven’t drunk that much in ages never mind at lunchtime, but the moment seemed to have its own momentum. We just talked effortlessly and had a really good catchup.

Back home early evening we met The Dizzle for pizza, then took Dylan for a walk. Met loads of people again - it’s a very sociable street, at one point there was eight or nine of us standing around chatting, so it turned into something of a party.

I seemed to have energy enough to clean, change sheets and put away laundry before going to bed. No idea where that came from.

Really good day. Bit of a classic.

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