The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Leaving on a jet plane...

My final day in Kathmandu. We woke, ate, I did my training session and Paul went to school to print my ticket - just in the nick of time as the electricity went down two minutes later! We walked to The Summit Hotel and met Paul's running mate, Thomas, for coffee and a natter. We spotted these little fellas on our walk - they were pups in a litter of fourteen - three died and most of the others have been re-homed. These last two have been given jumpers as it is so cold at night - they are with their Mum, living on the roadside. I tried to persuade Paul to take them home but it seems so unfair on the Mum to lose all her pups. Plus, his apartment isn't exactly dog friendly...and if you start with these two he would have a house full within days, there are so many homeless dogs on the street.

Anyway, we walked home and saw my little lady. She recognised me! She looks really healthy and well which was a huge relief. Once we got home we sat on the roof - I did some school work that needed finishing off whilst Paul read his Kindle book. We have just been out for a later afternoon meal and I'm totally stuffed. Now it is time to pack the last few pieces in to my suitcase and the taxi will collect me in about forty minutes.

I hate goodbyes. Especially under these circumstances.
I love

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