Wednesday: Rust and Blue

I’m pleased to report that after my moaning yesterday I had a really good night’s sleep so I feel like I am back in a good place. I did sneak some prescribed medicinal assistance but, hey, if it does the trick....

So, you know things are in a crazy place in the UK if US news channels break away from their exclusive domestic focus to bring segments about UK developments. Regardless of the issues and debates, I respect those MPs who visibly broke with party ranks to do what they feel is the right thing, and challenge the leadership, rather than follow it blind, even if for some of them it may mean the end of their parliamentary career.

Meanwhile, my colleague left for the Bahamas yesterday to go and help our following the devastation there.......I wonder how she is getting on.

This shot, unrelated to any of the above, was taken at UBC where I had a meeting today.

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