today - is a rest day...
then god blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. genesis 2:3 (niv)
it's typical that sundays are viewed as rest days - to get restored - re-energized - refreshed... in some, it might be a friday or saturday evening instead - or if a person works on any weekend day, perhaps they need to choose a different day of the week - to make it up - their rest day - so it's not missed...
whatever the case may be - i'm grateful for them... established or not, i believe they're necessary - of value for our mental health and well-being... we may decide to take more than 1 a week, as well - maybe 2 - that's cool - whatever your body requires...
if today was your rest day - may it have brought you what you needed... and then some - like pure refreshment from living waters to be able to face the coming week - the tasks you are about to face - so that you may have many...
happy day.....
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