Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

How to make your food more interesting

Drop it from the top of a tall building. Yes silly I know.

This eventually became a vegan shepherds pie. One of my many achievements today. Others included:

Fitted a new wall mounted lamp in the bedroom.

The Dizzle had a new carpet put down in his room and we had to saw nearly an inch off the bottom of the door to accommodate it.

Fought my way through NHS bureaucracy to get an out-patients appointment in a month's time.

Went shopping for make-up (for TSM).Am becoming an expert on the Boots No7 range.

Ordered extra strong magnets and testosterone supplement on Amazon.
Got schooled by Leo Varadkar. I now understand the Hercules and Athena reference, which is more than Boris Johnson did despite his going to Eton and Oxford.

Did two lots of washing.

Created a new t shirt design (but don’t like it enough to have it made up).

Cleaned the kitchen (at least three times)

Busy day today, not much me time. Or not enough. Knackered now.

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