Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A day out in Fife

Today is the day that Archie stays overnight with Milo the big bouncy labrador and his mum. They'll go out for lots of walks and have fun together. We hope.

Being dog-less, and with the promise of a sunny day, we decided to go for a drive, as it's something we don’t do much because Archie hates the car. Where to? For some reason, Aberdour sprung to mind. I'd seen it on blip a while ago (yes, you, FP) and stashed the thought away for future reference.

And so we went to Aberdour. A nice wee harbour. A bit of a wee sandy beach. No cafe. That boathouse did have a wonky roof. The blip I’d seen had folk at outdoor cafe tables in the sunshine with a sandy beach nearby. This was wrong... so I checked back on blip. And though the photo seems to have been changed, it did say it was 'Aberdour Silver Sands'... how was I to know there were TWO Aberdour beaches, and only one had a cafe.

However, we found it, and sat outside in the sunshine. Once I got over the shock of a flat white at £3.20 (!!!) I just had a scone and a cuppa.

We chatted to a couple of English tourists, who usually go to Marbella, but came to Scotland this time instead. They were having a lovely time, travelling by train and stopping off at wee places. Good on them!

We drove on to have a wee look at Kinghorn beach, as the train stops there. One old chap (93, he told us) was having a paddle.

Back home, whizzing along and winging round roundabouts - much easier without a travel-sick dog... but we miss him. Especially as JR made a carrot cake - Archie would be going crazy. I do hope he's not going crazy with Milo...

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