
By emmacooperx


Woke up much earlier than I wanted to, in order to catch a train that I then wasn't able to. After the stress of rearranging everything, I was pretty glad to get an extra hour to go back to Alex's. Then back to the station to London to meet my dad. Really nice to catch up, forgetting all the complexities of the situation, with some nice presents and a good lunch and then coffees and cake. Would have been nice to have more time but I guess that's just how it goes. Spent the train journey home playing 'Find the Stig', one of my brother's new Christmas presents, very time consuming and entertaining.

Got home at six and Clare and Cressida came over for a final farewell and catch up on recent events. Then Richard, Jonny, Max and Ryan came to pick me up and we went over to Grace's for yet another dinner party. We want to pretend we're mature now, and the food was certainly good, but after dinner we ended up playing charades with a sex theme - cue 50 Shades of Grey, Summer of 69, George Bush etc. Very entertaining if oblitterating all images of maturity. Later we played poker (which incidently I won, beginingers luck I imagine) whilst drinking port and Baileys and eating those funny flavoured Jelly Beans from Harry Potter. A game of Paranoia was both awkward and funny. I don't think we'll ever grow up (well, some of us anyway!)

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