Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Ohhhh boy have I got an incident ....

For you lot :D
Famous last words from me and Tits as Wiggy says 'are you sure the dogs won't jump in the canal ..'
'No' we say in unison .. 'Ours don't '
You all know what's coming dont you ....
Yes ..
Bobby literally fancied himself as Tom Daley .. He only did a fancy dive into the canal .. Yep .. Wiggy started removing her jacket and hat as I then pointed out Bobby was actually swimming and looked as if he was smiling so anyway we drop to our knees as he nears the bank and wiggy who looks distressed grabs his smirking chops and I haul from the collar and middle and that little hairy bitchin bog brush bounced about like AA Milnes Tigger well pleased with himself ..
Get home from our high jinks and quickly tidy house and myself for Loveland and Boiled egg her husband ... Also Mealy-moo who is their daughter,I have known Loveland (her actual maiden name) since she was 15 and she is my Zoe's godmum... I have loved Moo since the second I saw her .. They often feature in blips .. The last one Moo was in was the onsie day back in October .
Something exciting happened to me apart from canal rescue .. My favourite non-VPL knickers were back in stock so I purchased six pairs ... Go me ;)

p.s Eve and Moo have been playing with eyeliner.. hence the GOTH look.

p.p.s Tit's was bent double sobbing with laughter when Bobby the shit fell in.

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