twinned with trumpton


School drop; then doctor. (A Cigs related mishap whereby my scarred ankle wounds from last week have become a little bit infected; antibiotics were prescribed)
Home to arrange Tom ahead of the Schools Strike for Climate Change. In the latest development he's starting to arrange his own RVs with his mates; a bunch of his former Wardie lot had got together to head on into town together and march. I put him on a bus and settled back into sorting out domesticity before also heading off into the sunshine to photograph the event / be around if needed / show the powers that be that things need to change.

I joined in around New St and saw Tom and his mates (see extra; L-R is Laurie, Tom holding the Vote Fatboy banner, Liam and Stanley (Henry is in there too but is too small to feature in the photo) as well as a few others.

I baled on the speeches and headed to Hers for an afternoon of lounging in the sun; and then onto Once Upon A Time In Holywood. (A marvellous creation).

I cooked us dinner - tuna on a sort of lemon / courgette risotto and a lemon cheese cake - yes  - there was a citrus theme running through the meal!

And then I collapsed into a deep sleep as the Khalid concert kept G away

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