Nothing cheers me up like Biscuit!

Good lord! Do you see that mouse? It's flying! Do you? Do you see it?

(As he's eating a bit of cotton wool!)

I haven't had a particularly brilliant day today. Firstly I was at work. Secondly I heard that I didn't do as well on my second uni essay as my first. My first essay was an easy A. This one a C, I passed, but only just. Not my finest moment! Ach well, after long discussions with my mum and friends at work, I've realised that this is not the end of the world. Nobody cares about your individual module marks anyway. Note to self though, must do better!

A little game of cat and mouse with Wesley when I got home had cheered me right up. I do love this little guy!

In other news, I ran home. I have a confession to make. I thought the run was 7 miles. But I'd forgotten that I changed the route a while back to incorporate a wee short cut. I GPS'd it tonight and it's only 6.5 miles. As I'm now keeping a running total - I'll take 0.5 off from my miscalculated run last week. Yes I know that's pedantic, but I'm aiming to run 1000 miles in 2013 so I want to get it right!

Exercise: 6.5 miles run home
January running mileage: 29.5 (0.5 duly removed)

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