Heather and Ruby

Sooooo...................... there I was.................... trekking around town on my afternoon walk when just look who I met? Heather and Ruby, the little Cavapoo. I went for a play with Ruby but to be honest Ruby doesn't really play very much. She just trots along in 'good dog mode' beside Heather. But that was OK because there were a few other doggies around for me to play with.

Then Heather invited us back to her house for a glass of wine. The humans obviously because us puppies don't drink?! Well it would have been rude not to!

I drank a lot of Ruby's water and Ann started to panic that I'd wee in the house, but I didn't played with Ruby's toys.

Apparently Ann and Heather are going for breakfast tomorrow and if I'm a very good little collie pup I might be allowed to go with them. Yay!

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