Tehidy Woods to Portreath and back

This afternoon we went to Tehidy Woods to meet Ann's friend, Angela, for a big long walk. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE walking in woods because woods are where squirrels live and I like chasing squirrels.

It was actually quite warm and sunny when we got to Tehidy so Ann and Angela had a big debate about whether they should wear their anoraks for our big long walk.

…..........They decided they should. #Gooddecision

Walked through the woods, past Gwel-an-Mor (where I saw ostriches and little goats for the first time) and then down the valley path into Portreath. Walked up the hill from Portreath to the coastal path (in this Blip) and then do you know what happened?...............................

….........Firstly, I got put back on my lead because the coastal path goes quite near the edge of cliffs and apparently three dogs have fallen over the edge in recent months.

….............And secondly, it started to rain and rain and rain and rain! And not only was it raining, it was also very, very windy. So within minutes Ann & Angela were absolutely soaked through to their underwear and I was soaked through to my skin. It was horrible! And to make matters worse we were on a part of the coastal path where there were two very steep up and down bits that we had to navigate before we could join the path that would take us back into the woods.

Anyway by the time I got let off my lead again it had stopped raining. So I rolled in some fox poo and chased some squirrels (but I didn't catch any). Oh, and then when we got back to Angela's house I had to have the hosepipe squirted on me because Ann said there was no way she was getting back in the car with a collie pup that smelt as badly as I did??!!

We walked for about two and a half hours and I had a lovely time but I'm absolutely shattered now. I've gobbled up my dinner (because walking for hours, rolling in fox poo and chasing squirrels has made me very hungry) and now I'm lying flaked out!

…....................And Ann is just wondering whether her trainers will EVER dry out???

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