When my daughter was up in Scotland in October she bought these Christmas gifts for me. A tin of " Oor Wullie " Scottish Fudge and " The Broons " Diary.

When I was little my Auntie Ella used to get The Sunday Post newspaper and she would save the pull out supplement which contained the comic strip stories of Oor Wullie and The Broons. When I was older I used to get the annuals every Christmas. They used to alternate them - one year The Broons and the next was Oor Wullie. They were great fun. Haven't thought about them in years so it was a lovely surprise to get these gifts.

On the back of the fudge tin is the following little rhyme....

This Scottish Fudge made wi' butter
" Must be shared", I hear Ma mutter,
So in each wrapper I leave a crumb,
Enough for Jeemie, my wee moose chum.

Neil likes a bit of fudge now and again so my tin may well be shared with him.

I was at the Health Centre today. Saw the doctor about me possibly having arthritis. He said I should have a blood test to see if I had arthritis and what type it might be. I was seeing the Nurse anyway to get my blood pressure checked so she did the blood test as well. My blood pressure was still high but within the accepted range for someone who takes tablets for high blood pressure.

After the docs I did a bit of shopping in the village. The weather was terrible - heavy rain. Been raining most of the day.

This evening I have entered Neil for the Paris Marathon in April - entry fee 110 Euros, entered Neil in the ballot for the Great North Run in September ( £49) , researched flights to Paris and bought myself a ticket to watch Newcastle United V Chelsea in February ( £39 ). So an expensive evening on the internet.

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