
By schorschi

New Horizons

Thanks to our Renault Megane, Luna got to explore a new part of our parish! Windscreen wipers stopped working (reliably) just before Christmas and with the downpours the last weeks, made using the car impossible. Yesterday stripped out the plastic coverings, discovered why the interior floor was constantly wet (blocked rain waste pipe). Wipers work sporadically & so it wasn't simply rusted parts. Lost the patience to order a new motor over the internet & took the car to Andreas at the village local garage to have it replaced and apart from the car had a punctured tractor tyre for repair.
Having dumped the car, then walked the 2km to the main village in our parish (Sontheim) to collect the other car from the railway station. All the grass ways were wet & muddy and then when we went the wrong way had to walk over the ploughed field in the Blip & without suitable footwear.
Had a long chat with an old farmer from the village who was out checking his fields & complaining that the weather was too warm but hoped the promised return of winter for the weekend would happen.
Luna behaved very well apart from getting too close to the farmer on his bike although he surprisingly took it lightly and she did not once roll in the many muck heaps (she did try but I was able to stop her).

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