
By LifeLines

Pink carpet!

We had a lazy start to the day, in part as it was raining and windy outside, but also because I'd got up twice in the night to let Merlin in the garden.  By the time we took Merlin out for his walk the rain had eased and we had a pleasant wander through the village and up to the field.  On our way we spotted this carpet of cyclamen in the churchyard.  Such a cheerful sight.

We returned and I made my cake for the charity coffee morning tomorrow.  In the end I did a lemon drizzle tray bake as it is a a recipe I know works well and because it is easy to cut up into squares for people to take away.  

After lunch I had a bit of a rest - the weather seemed to make me feel rather dozy!  Then I pulled myself together to walk to the allotment.  The plan was to drop off the composting but I stayed for an hour or so and pulled out about 25 plastic sacks which had been left under the bramble thicket by the previous plot holder.  They were mainly filled with manure.  So I emptied the sacks on to my beds and then folded them up and left them at the allotment entrance for others to use.  That felt like a good job done.  I wandered home in the sunshine (it appeared briefly!) and we took Merlin out for his afternoon walk before dinner.

Hoping your day has gone well.  Best wishes. 

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