Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Finally ...........

.......... we picked up our new car.  And everyone had to have photos.

A more conventional view in extras.

It looks black in the pictures - it isn't, it is "Gravity Blue".  I commented that I didn't much like the blue line around the lights and centre front - but those apparently are what shows off to everyone that it is electric!  We ordered this back in December, had a test drive in April, and have been hassling our salesperson on and off ever since!  Kia have not impressed with their communication.

I've not yet driven it, as only W is insured until we sort out our own insurance - hopefully tomorrow.  I'm quite apprehensive - there's a steep learning curve for electric vehicles, and it is MUCH larger than my last car.

In other news, it was a lovely sunny morning, and we had a walk around Whitlingham Broad, finishing with a cup of coffee sitting outside the coffee shop.  NOW it's raining again.

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