Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


I close my eyes..

Like a lovers hand the cool morning breeze caresses my face..

Near and far, birdsong rings out, like the sea lapping on a shore...

I unclench my hands and my heart unfurls in empathy with the release...

Unbidden peace settles over me like a silk sheet thrown into the air, then, gently falls...

I take a deep breath, exhale, in the next breath the universe comes pouring into me, alive and so powerful...

Could life be any sweeter? My beautiful wife lays gently sleeping, my friends and family are safe and well, like the sky as I open my eyes, I am aglow...

I look about me...the morning is perfect...washed by such blessings I am baptised in sacred waters...contentment like a lavish purple robe drapes around me....and I feel this moment grow into my bones.....

45 minutes have gone by...

People ask why I get up so early.....if I could give them half of this, perhaps, they would know.

What a wonderful start to the day..


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