A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Fulfilling a stereotype

Today I have been mumsy...kind of. Maybe 'domesticated' is a better word for it.

Much laundry has been washed and draped across the clothes horse, radiators and any other surfaces suitable to hang it from. We don't have a tumble dryer - in fact I haven't had one for over 3 years. Our electricity bills are quite low! (We are very conscious of making sure that no lights are on un-necessarily, everything is switched off and unplugged that isn't in use - we are turning into 'greenies'). Also did a big clean up in the kitchen. Just the oven left to do now.

I spent the early part of the afternoon making dough for Focaccia bread and stewing apples to make Apple crumblefor James. I am afraid that I cheated with the custard and opened a tin!

The Focaccia turned out beautifully - just before a second proving of it, I knocked it down and kneaded some rough grated parmesan, a little ground chilli, some oregano and some basil into the dough. The poked dimples into the top with the handle of a wooden spoon. We had it fresh out of the oven with butter, to go with fresh spaghetti with bacon, parmesan and black pepper.

Was so full that I haven't even tried an apple crumble yet, but James assures me that they are good!

Alternative blip - the knobs came off in my hand....!!!!

Time to make James some tea, then I am afraid I am going to have to give in to the overwhelming urge to have a little snooze.

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