The Knight and the Lady

This picture has hung on the wall at my Nana's for as long as I can rememer. My Dad also has a copy of the same picture up in his loft. My brother and I both covet the picture.
I however, know nothing about it - the title, the name of the artist (tried zooming in on it when I got home, didn't think to look whilst I was there today), have searched in the t'interweb but to no avail.
If anyone recognises it, or knows anything about it, I would love to know.

Thanks for all the hits and comments yesterday. Went to bed feeling super :-)

And Coz blipped yesterday - short on words, but full of meaning for me.

All afternoon at Nana's and Auntie Roses house - utterly knackered. Going to bed now.

night night.

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