My bestest friend

It's been kind of a grumpy day today.
I'm tired.
Children were tired after being back a day.
They found hitting the ground running hard going.

Charlotte has had a positive session in her new room today, walking down to the farm and then playing in the enormous flood water puddles!

We got to have a proper look round her new room today which was good. Think she will enjoy it loads once she is in there full time.

Home, horrendous traffic again tonight as it all has to go one way to get out due to the flooding.

Gromit somehow ended up in the bath tonight! Opps! He's drying on a radiator now.

Today's blip is of Charlotte feeding beryl, as soon as we get home every day she insists on bebba food, in a bowl. Think beryl loves the attention so it's a win win situation.

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