
By Genetta

Back to Work

My coworkers got a rare treat today. I did not utter a single word. This is indeed extremely rare because I am normally a very vocal person, voicing my opinion, likes, displeasure, etc. I don't play games, nor act shy and coy. I tell it like it is. I am long past caring what others think. This practice has labeled me as cold, vicious bitch, evil, among other names. But bring on the titles people. Me and a very good friend laugh and use these titles on each other because we know better.

Not being able to talk has its advantages and its disadvantages.
People stay away from you because they think you are extremely ill.
You don't have to join in on conversations if you don't want to.
Those that annoy you get angry when you won't talk to them thinking you are just being rude.
You son calls to say he is home from school and knowing you can't talk asks if you need for him to do anything. yes son, those dishes
Your mother calls and since you can't answer her properly, threatens to drive 2-1/2 hrs to pick you up to take you to a doctor.
You really want to take part in a conversation with your best work pals and have to use a text to voice app to speak.

So here is dinner... Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. I'll cook when the dishes are done.

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