Life In Wales

By KarenC

Right Here, Right Now

Yet another wet day, so not much to report - went to work, then met Joan for a hot chocolate and a catch up when I finished at 1pm.  Before heading home I drove to the Big Beach Cafe at Hove Lagoon which is owned by Norman Cook (Fat Boy Slim), as I'd seen this piece of artwork that has just been done on one of the external walls of the cafe.  It's pretty cool and has been done by Art & Believe and The Postman (whoever the postman is).  

I booked an eye test for next week, and tonight the Kuga has been picked up as it's come to the end of it's lease.  We've decided not to have another lease hire car as we're fed up of being answerable to someone else with regards to mileage and any minor damage.  The little A Class Mercedes really needs replacing, but we'll make do with it until the Spring when we'll trade it in for something else which in effect will be the replacement for the Kuga.

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