Happy Birthday Brighton Skies

It was the third birthday of our group Brighton Skies the other day and Faye arranged a celebration tonight at a local pub, so pictured here are our three leaders, Faye with Robin (to the left) and Ben (to the right).

It was a great night and although there are 10,000 members in the group, just the usual members that I know well came plus a couple of others we’ve not met before.

This morning I went for an early swim and then had an appointment for my flu jab, then started work at 1pm.  

Unfortunately I had a very difficult day at work as I had my first experience of personally having to deal with a suicidal patient on the phone.  I think we got her the help that she needed but I couldn’t stop thinking about her as I drove home.  So much so that I didn’t feel like going out tonight as I wasn’t sure if I’d be good company and felt I’d rather sit at home and be quiet.  But then I knew I’d probably dwell on it as Alan was going to an AGM at the shooting club.  Alan said he’d drop me off and pick me back up again, so I went and I’m so glad I did, it was the tonic I needed - not that I had a gin and tonic lol!

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