Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A new flashgun instead of new shoes!

Swimming at 8.40. Suddenly at 9am they took away the lanes, and there seemed to be a lot of ladies of a certain age swarming around. AQUAFIT! They had changed it from Thursday to Wednesday! What a nuisance.

I asked a lady why they had changed it, and she insisted it was, in fact, Thursday today, and nothing had changed...

I used to go to Aquafit last year, blissfully unaware that you had to pay. Nobody told me. But now I know (but do they know I know?) so I felt I had to get out after only 10 lengths.

Popped down to see if there were any bargains at Jessops. Not really. Though I did fondle quite a lot of things. The staff seem upbeat, not all shops are closing, it's the media making it sound worse than it is. So I did what I usually do - (although I did buy a camera there once) I got the advice about a flashgun, (which one for a beginner) and came home to look for it online. Which is perhaps why their camera shops are in trouble... Sorry.

Before I went in I spotted this cow, although I have taken off the name of the restaurant which was emblazened on its side. I thought I'd take a photo when I came out, but lo and behold, there was a man with a big camera, eyeing it up. He was kneeling down and getting the castle in too! I had to ask if he was a blipper. There couldn't be two cows in Edinburgh blipped today!

No he wasn't, but we did have a good chat about Flickr, which I've never explored. He was really interesting about the things he was photographing around Edinburgh, and was off to look at graveyards, his current theme.

I had to move the restaurant sign in to the wall to have room to take this, and used my tricky foldy-out viewfinder screen, with manual focus, to get low enough without getting stuck. Bleh sky, though.

Coming home on the bus I spied two policemen in the children's playground in the Meadows (there must have been a rammy involving toddlers). One policeman was striding purposefully ahead of the other. Then he sat on a swing while the other one took his photo! Perhaps they were gathering evidence...

Just remembered that I forgot to put the restaurant sign back out. Oops. They may have a quiet lunchtime today.

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