
By Juleshki

The Garden Series: No. 2

The path leading left into the woods, where come spring, it will be full of bluebells and look so beautiful.

It is possible to walk through the woods to the right as well, but there isn't such a clear pathway.

Way across on the right there are a lot of old stones and the remains of some kind of a boundary wall, so there must have been a dwelling or house of some sort here previously, but perhaps quite a long time ago.

My son and I have walked through the woods many times with his metal detector thinking we might unearth something interesting, but we only ever seem to find old hinges or other bits of ironwork. Nothing stone age though!

And we haven't seen any deer for a while either.
What do deer prefer as a breakfast treat?
Maybe I could start putting something out for them to tempt them in...?!

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