
By AnnieBScotland

partial to a periwinkle!

what a difference a day makes! freezing fog this morning that hardly lifted all day. coming home around 11.30am I spotted a flash of colour near the ground and to my surprise I saw this tiny periwinkle flower peeking out. I wasn't expecting this to flower till spring but I see there is another bud nearby. I had to take a photo of it, even though it appears that something has made a tasty meal of some of the petals. I like the string of droplets, must be on a thread of spider silk.

after the first yogalates class of the year - it must be good for me - I spent some time playing with the home studio set up, trying for some challenge shots of 'something old in mono' and got a few OK pics, but want to try again tomorrow.

early dinner time as it is also back to aqua aerobics tonight with Iain then the final date with the polar bears.

wine: none
treats: a few more chocolate coins. all the big ones are gone now, only wee ones left.
halo: should be still shiny. find out tomorrow at the weigh in!

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