
By AnnieBScotland

old pine tree

this old pine tree is in in our front garden. It is around 35 feet high and was probably planted when the house was built, in 1908. the upper branches battle with a maple of similar age and height in the garden next door, so it is more like half a tree really. I spotted this droplet this morning and hoped I could get a nice reflection. I did a couple with the macro lens that came out well, but this one shows what is actually being reflected in the rain drop. It is in mono as it will probably be my 'something old in mono' challenge entry.

Weigh in day - I am delighted to report that in the last week I have lots 1.5 kilos, or about three and a half pounds!! mind you my will power is always good for the first week!! went out to lunch to celebrate, but had melon followed by pork and vegetables and this will be our main meal of the day!

relaxing day today, apart from lots of running around this morning trying to track down medication for Iain that was required for an appointment - he has a jab every three months. hope to do a bit more fiddling with the home studio tonight- that is rather a grown up name for it, so I think I'll call it a light tent in future.

quiet night in front of the fire beckons. shall I break the detox? maybe tomorrow!

wine: none, but nearing the end of the self imposed regime.
treats: a few more choc coins, they are almost gone!
halo: very shiny. I have decided to put my halo away in a box until I reach my goal weight of 60kilos, I have 2.3 or about half a stone to go. I wonder how the other diet blippers have got on??

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